Sunday, October 19, 2008

Traci's Laban/Bartenieff notes

Laban established choreology - the discipline of dance analysis

Labanotation is also known as Kinetography

Laban led the ausdrucktanz movement and was recognized as an intellectual in the field of dance theatre and movement study

When he opened the Art of Movement studio in Manchester in 1946, he concentrated on movement as behavior

Laban's ideas: 1) he was influenced by the social and cultural changes happening at the time
2) feeling was being questioned - opened the way for a freeing of the feeling body
3) he felt that the best way to advocate this freedom was by mirroring it in dance and movement arts
4) he valued individuals own choice of movement and self initiated vocabularies
5) he abandoned constraints of traditional steps, reliance on music for inspiration, and mime

Der Freier Tanz was born!

What sets him apart?? He was a creative artist and a creative theorist at home, in the studio and the lab. he could express himself equally through movement and writing. His legacy is in studio practices and theoretical methods driven by movement practice. His passion was to establish dance as an art of equal standing to its sister arts. He thought that without dance literacy, dance would never be taken seriously, so that is why he developed labanotation.

was a physical therapist

applied developmental principles and Laban's theories to her work with polio patients and dancers, which originated the Bartenieff Fundamentals (a physical reeducation).

her Effort/Shape training began in various projects in areas such as psychology, physical therapy, child development and the performing arts

Four LMA components: Body, Effort, Shape, Space. These components of movement phrases are irreducible, meaning that they are the smallest units needed in describing an observed movement.

For great online descriptions of the LMA components, go to the NYU movement research website at:

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