Monday, October 27, 2008

Todd and Sweigard

From "The Thinking Body".....

"Thinking" of image goals could be used to break old habits and establish better body balance

"The thinking body" promotes an understanding of body alignment as a function of mechanical principles

"Why hold the bony parts of our body when we can let them hang or sit?"

Ideo - idea; kinesis - movement
Ideokinesis involves sustained mental focus upon imagined actions

Proprioceptive - "perceiving of self" self-awareness; also called "organic"
Exteroceptive - mechanisms by which the outer world is perceived

Organic sensations are grouped into three general types
1) kinesthesia - feeling of movement
2) labyrinthe - the feeling of position in space as derived from organs in the inner ear
3) visceral - miscellaneous impressions from various internal organs

Most of the operations involved in the guidance and control of our bodily movements are entirely unconscious.  Movements are a combination of reflexes and not the moving of muscles.

Force in one direction must be met with an equal opposing force

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