Thursday, November 6, 2008

BMC-Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen

Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen

is the developer of Body-Mind Centering

the founder and Educational Director of the School.

For over 35 years~

she has been an innovator and leader in developing this embodied and integrated approach to movement, touch and repatterning, experiential anatomy, developmental principles, perceptions and psychophysical processes.

Book: Sensing, Feeling and Action,1993.

Bonnie is - a Registered Occupational Therapist

                  - a Registered Movement Therapist

                  - also certified in Neurodevelopmental Therapy,

                                                 Laban Movement Analysis,

                                                 Kestenberg Movement Profiling.

She has - practiced occupational therapy

              - helped to establish a school for occupational and physical therapy for the Tokyo  government

              - practiced bodywork and movement in psychiatric settings;

She taught - in university hospitals;

             - in the masters program in Dance Therapy at Antioch New England College

             - dance at Hunter College and at the Erick Hawkins School of Dance in New York

             - presented workshops throughout the U.S., Canada and Europe.

Body-Mind Centering- Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen

  • Body-Mind Centering is an ongoing, experiential journey into the alive and changing territory of the body. The explorer is the mind- our thoughts, feelings, energy, soul and spirit. Through this journey we are let to an understanding of how the mind is expressed through the body in movement.

  • We, as part of nature, also form patterns. The mind is like the wind and the body is like the sand; if you want to know how the wind is blowing, you can look at the sand.

  • In BMC, “centering” is a process of balancing, not a place of arrival. This balancing is based on dialogue, and the dialogue is based on experience.

  • An important aspect of our journey in Body-Mind Centering is discovering the relationship between the smallest level of activity within the body and the largest movement of the body- aligning the inner cellular movement with the external expression of movement through space.


- Skeletal System

- Ligamentous System

- Muscular System

- Organs System

- Endocrine System

- Nervous System

- Fluid System

- Fascial System

- Fat

- Skin


The developmental material includes primitive reflexes, righting reactions, equilibrium responses, and the Basic Neurological Patterns.

The reflexes, righting reactions, and equilibrium responses are the fundamental elements, or the alphabet, of our movement. They combine to build the Basic Neurological Patterns, which are based upon pre-vertebrate and vertebrate movement patterns.

Pre-vertebrate Patterns

  1. Cellular Breathing (the expanding/contracting process in breathing and movement in each and every cell of the body)

  1. Naval radiation (the relating and movement of all parts of the body via the navel)

  2. Mouthing (movement of the body initiated by the mouth)

  3. Pre-spinal Movement (soft sequential movements of the spine initiated via the interface between the spinal cord and the digestive tract)

Vertebrate Patterns

1. Spinal Movement (head to tail movement)

2. Homologous Movement (symmetrical movement of two upper and/or two lower limbs simultaneously)

3. Homolateral Movement (asymmetrical movement of one upper limb and the lower limb on the same side)

4.Contralateral Movement (diagonal movement of one upper limb with the opposite lower limb)


  - Touch and movement are the first of the senses to develop. They establish the baseline for future perception through taste, small, hearing, and vision.


  -Breathing is automatic, internal movement, and organized in patterns.

  - Breathing can be consciously known. As the breathing process is sensed and felt, unconscious blocks can be released.


is an exploration of communication through touch- the transmission and acceptance of the flow of energy within ourselves and between ourselves and others.

From Body-Mind Centering Bainbridge Cohen & 

           The School for Body-Mind Centering Website

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