Thursday, November 13, 2008

Barbara Mahler Notes

Barbara Mahler 101
Notes from

First modern dance experience through Alvin AIley Dance Company and offshoots of that style
- " hard on the body and the spirit, but definitely "spirited." "
Suffered many injuries
Began studying modern dance at Hunter College under the tutelage of Dorothy Vislocky
- Dorothy Vislocky is "a pioneer in kinesiology for dance"
- Dorothy Vislocky was part of Nikolais' early company, along with Phyllis Lamhut =)
Started learning of more efficient ways for movement
Began training at the Susan Klein School of Dance in 1977 under Susan Klein and Colette Barry
- she was not "fixed" or pressured to conform to a look
- able to find process where she is able to be herself in the movement
Started teaching in 1979
Continued to add her own exercises and concepts to the school
"Susan Klein and Barbara Mahler School of Dance" name change in 2001 to acknowledge Mahler's contributions

Has been mentor and teacher to a new generation of dancers and choreographers, such as Trisha Brown, Bebe Miller, Jeremy Nelson and Gerald Casel (winkwink)
Has been passionate about making solo dances since the late 1980s

My Personal Experience in Barbara Mahler's placement classes:
If you go into class, expecting to ask questions and receive an answer that is clear cut and easy to understand, you will be disappointed or frustrated. It is a reminder that our bodies take time to adjust in subtle, yet significant ways. Barbara may not be giving a verbal answer that is instantly illuminating, but she is giving information to our bodies by working hands on with us or using other bodies as visual aids. She also spends a lot of time on roll downs and hang overs. It can get quite excruciating for me at times but my sacrum and back feel so good after.

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